Essential oils are distilled or expressed aromatic extracts from a wide variety of plant material. Each essential oil can consist of up to 200+ chemical components working in synergy. Jeanne Rose describes essential oil as the heart and soul of the plant. The essential oil in a bottle is 50-100 times more concentrated than in the plant and can be harmful if not used with due care and diligence.
The following is a brief summary that will help you understand how to use your essential oils safely.
Topical Use
Always dilute your pure essential oil with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil. The most common adverse reaction is a skin reaction, and the most common cause is using an undiluted essential oil. If an essential oil causes dermal irritation, wash skin gently with (preferably unscented) soap and water for at least 10 minutes. Apply a small amount of vegetable oil or barrier cream to the area affected and discontinue use. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. Essential oils should never be applied to the eyes or ear canals. External use only.
Refer to Dilution Chart for safely using your essential oils.
Inhalation and Diffusion
It is not advisable to directly and intensively inhale essential oils for longer than 15-20 minutes, such as with steam inhalation. However, this does not apply to ambient inhalation from essential oils vaporized into the air. If you are diffusing essential oils, do this intermittently rather than constantly. Ideally, diffuse essential oils for 30-60 minutes on, then 30-60 minutes off. This is not only safer, but it’s also more effective as both our bodies and our nervous system habituate to essential oils after this period of time. Whenever you are using or diffusing essential oils, some air exchange (fresh air) is advisable.
Signs and symptoms of overexposure
Respiratory distress and/or neurological symptoms, such as headache, nausea, burning of eyes and throat, cough, shortness of breath, or slowed breathing in young children. If this happens remove person to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms are serious.
Oral Ingestion
Do not ingest essential oils unless advised to do so by a practitioner who is qualified/licensed to prescribe essential oils in this way. Taking essential oils orally engages many areas of risk. Do not take essential oils either undiluted or in water, as there is a risk of mouth/stomach/mucous membrane irritation. Oral application is not approved in North America and most aromatherapy associations have come out strongly against oral dosing.
If you have a skin condition, are pregnant, have epilepsy or asthma, are on a course of treatment with prescribed medication, or are in any doubt about any condition you may have, you are advised to seek the advice of a doctor before using pure essential oils. Always ask your doctor if you have any safety concerns regarding medication interactions. It’s possible for essential oils to interact with medications or over-the-counter drugs.
Sun Safety
Citrus oils such as bergamot, grapefruit, orange, lemon and lime contain a chemical constituent called furanocoumarin which can be phototoxic. This means when these essential oils are applied to the skin which is then exposed to UV Rays, the skin will burn more quickly. Stay out of the sun or tanning booth for 12-18 hours after the application of photosensitizing essential oils.
Store oils in a cool, dark place and out of reach of children. Keep lids on tight, exposure to the air will cause oxidization, oxidized oils can cause skin irritations. Keep all essential oils away from flames as they can be highly flammable.
Tisserand Institute, How to Use Essential Oils Safely
British Columbia Alliance Of Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy Safety